Cloud 9

Cloud 9 crunchy with chocolate caramel crunchy and also legit, comes with a new modern packaging that shows the deliciousness of melted chocolate and crunchy chocolate.

Cloud 9 is a crunchy chocolate bar mixed with sweet caramel, high quality materials and covered by delicious chocolate on the outer shell, gives a rich mouth experience for your snacking moment. Cloud9 Crunchy with chocolate & vanilla flavor, for daily snacking companion. 

What Client Needs?

Make it appetizing, crunchy, and caramelized.

Clients need to improve the appearance of Crunchy’s Cloud9 packaging, to make it more appetizing, and also in line with the global Cloud 9 packaging direction.

The Challenge

Designing real bar and chocolate visuals

Clients want to bring the Cloud 9 bar into a lifelike image, so when consumers see it, they can immediately want to try the crunch of Cloud 9 Crunchy.

Our Big Idea

Make chocolate bars like mouthwatering real images.

The tempting chocolate bar is the key,

Visualizing the chocolate bar that looks delicious, melting and also has a crunchy impression is an important point that must be highlighted to make consumers intrigued to try the delicious Cloud 9 chocolate.

What We Do?

Displays chocolate bars that match Cloud 9’s bar, as closely as possible. So that consumers can see the deliciousness of Cloud 9 from the packaging.